About Us

Who we are
100 Roads is a network of education innovators. We're focused on creating and supporting equitable, community-based, learner-centered ecosystems on the ground and in the virtual world.
We support founders as they envision and build new models for education. We design learning landscapes. And we provide an ecology of services so founders can serve their communities more effectively.
Our Story
100 Roads was started in 2018, after people visiting Workspace Education in Bethel CT showed interest in creating a similar community-based learning environment in their towns. We hosted workshops at Workspace, and once Covid started, moved to an online environment where we continue to offer learning experiences and cohort-based courses.
Our why
There are very few innovators prototyping community-based learning landscapes for education. All the ingredients for a first-in-class education are now available outside of institutional boundaries.
We have a new era, new technology, and the digital tools to live, learn, and work untethered from places, learning timelines or prescribed content. Yet many cling to an old, broken system that hinders the full potential of our youth.
100 Roads reinvents space for learning and provides an ecology of services that help educational entrepreneurs bring the best to their communities.
What is Colearning.
At 100 Roads we believe that every child is unique and deserves a radically individualized pathway that unlocks their full potential. We aim to serve the whole child, their family, and create an intergenerational community-based environment in which some of the learning experiences take place. We call this kind of space for learning a colearning community.
Our Team
We recruit from all over the world. Our staff is young, passionate, and committed to creating educational options for all.
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